Toned Milk - 1 litre
Condensed Milk - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 3 tsp
Cardamom Powder / elaichi powder - 1/2 tsp
Almonds/Badam -1/2 cup cut into strips(Soaked in water & skin peeled)
Cashews - 1/4 cup cut into strips
Pista - 1/4 cup chopped finely(I didn't add)
In a non stick pan add milk, sugar, condensed milk and heat it up. Bring it to a boil,simmer the pan and cook on medium heat, keep stirring it continuously or else the milk will get stuck to the pan.
Now it will form crust on top, fold that into the milk and mix it. keep cooking till it gets thick.
Take it off the heat and add all the other ingredients and mix it well.Now pour into a bowl and chill it for 3-4 hrs.Serve cold.
1)If it gets very thick after chilling, add some more milk and mix well.Serve chilled.....